Monday, November 20, 2006

dehydration: recognition & treatment

dehydration results from excessive loss of body fluids. dehydration may follow episodes of diarrhea, vomiting, prolonged fever, and any condition where there is a rapid and extreme loss of body fluid. some signs of diarrhea include: frequent bowel movements that the person cannot control, watery stools, little urine or dark yellow urine, more than normal thirst, dry mouth and tongue, sunken fontanelle, sunken or dry eyes, fast, weak pulse, flushed/dry skin, skin that does not spring back immediately when pinched, lethargy, irritability or confusion. if someone has two or more of the signs of dehydration, it is important to restore fluids as soon as possible. a simple oral rehydration solution can be made by mixing the following ingredients:
1/4 tsp real salt
1/4 tsp no salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
2 1/2 tsp sugar
mix into 4 c water

give the person small sips of the solution every five minutes, even if he vomits, until he begins to urinate normally. the drink can be given with fruit juices as a flavoring. the person may also drink green coconut water, thin vegetable soup/broth, or the water in which rice or barley has been cooked.

9 oz real salt
11 oz no salt
1 box baking soda
4 1/2 c sugar
in one-gallon bag

Source: Basic Self-Reliance, 109-12.