Wednesday, December 13, 2006

laundry: money-saving recipes

homemade laundry soap
A bar of soap and a little bit of powder makes a large batch of liquid laundry detergent that is safe for sensitive skin. the ingredients can be found near the commercial laundry soaps.

1 bar Fels Naptha soap
1/8 c. washing soda
1/3 c. borax
1 qt. water

1. grate and melt soap with 1 quart boiling water.
2. add washing soda and borax – stir fast!
3. put 2 cups of mixture into each gallon milk jug. (makes four)
4. fill to bend with warm water and shake.

laundry stain spray
this recipe makes a big batch so you can use it liberally.

½ c. ammonia
½ c. white vinegar
¼ c. baking soda
2 tbsp. liquid soap
2 quarts water

mix ingredients and shake well. pour a portion into a pump-type sprayer. store the rest in a clean gallon-size jug. label and keep out of the reach of children.